Musicinfo Get Started Guide

Welcome to Musicinfo! Here you will find information and links about how to distribute and promote your music to China

Welcome to Musicinfo, Why Choose us

We specialize in distribution to China with 20+ services and now offer sync opportunity to China, as well as global distribution to 70+ servies including YouTube content ID.

Unlike anyone else in the industry we specialize in the Chinese music market providing you with a unique opportunity to distribute and promote your digital music in Mainland China, and giving you the possibility to reach potentially massive new audiences,

China is now the 5th biggest global music market, unique in its rise due to the strengthening of services and copyright safety holding nearly one quarter of the world's digital population 

We can distribute your music if you have already distributed your music to Tencent (TME: QQ Music, Kuwo, and Kugou) and/or Netease. Many distributors distribute now to one or both of these streaming services in China. We offer 20+ services in China from which you can collect royalties, if you distribute with us and you may continue to use your current distributor to get your music to TME and/or Netease.

See The Benefits of Joining Musicinfo

Search For Your Music In China

With the exception of TME and/or Netease, please ensure that your music is NOT already distributed to China with another distributor. You may check from here if you are unsure if it is already available in China. If you do find your music has already been distributed in China please contact us to learn about your options. In many cases it is possible to use our extensive services to distribute your music because most other services distribute only to TME or Netease. We have many customers who distribute their music with another distributor to the rest of the world except China by opting out of the territory of China in their other distribution service. 

It may also be the case that if you are unaware that your music has already been distributed to China we may assist in helping you to claim your copyrights. In any case we are more than able to promote your music in China with social media posts, video sharing and playlisting.

Music sampling and cover songs

If you have sampled music in your releases or are releasing cover songs please be ready to provide licenses for your content. 

How to sign up

New Customers

As a new customer you will not yet have an account or a password for the Web Store. Only in the act of making a purchase will a Web Store account be created, At the time of purchase you wiil be asked to create a password for the web store. It will be needed to make more purchases in the future if you so choose. 

After purchase you will receive an invoice and a confirmation email with access to the Distribution Platform which will require a different password than the one that you created in your first Web Store purchase. The password for the Distribution Platform will be given to you in the confirmation email after the purchase. Your username for the Distribution Platform will be the same email you used for your Web Store purchase, but the password will be different.

China is Unique

China is unique because it has been a closed country and therefore resistant to outside influence. Now that it is accessible, new music and culture is flooding the populations of new ears. The audiences in China are hungry for new sounds and are in the process of identifying with the pop cultures and influences from abroad.This means that your music has an new audience waiting eagerly to follow.

You can see from the 2023 Engaging With Music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry ifpi.

china ifpi engaging with music

ifpi Engaging With Music 2023

Get Access Where There is No Access

To work around these restrictions, our company has created an intuitive and legally compliant music distribution platform which can help you distribute your music to 20+ music service providers in Mainland China.

Artists who would like to have more influence on their presence in China can also promote their music with social media posts, video and playlists. Please be aware that, Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, Spotify, Deezer, Pandora, Tidal, Google Play etc. and most other Western social media and streaming platforms are not available in China.

By using our distribution platform, you can create your release by uploading your sound file, art work, copyright information and lyrics and all metadata, we will provide ISRC and UPC codes if you don't already have them. You can also user our promotional services and create your promotional posts with your artist bio, picture and links for Chinese video platforms, social media and playlists.

Distribution Plans

You can find the Distribution Plans from the distribution page.

To get started, select and purchase a distribution plan that fits the number of releases* you have or you want to distribute from a choice of the following 4. Please contact us for a Diamond Plan if you have a more than 100 releases:

– Star Distribution - 1 release
– Bronze Distribution - 3 releases
– Gold Distribution - up to 10 releases
– Platinum Distribution - up to 100 releases

*1 release = 1 song / 1 album / 1 EP



Its a whole new world, and an investment for your musical presence for the long run. We let everyone know upfront because in our fast pace world people expect results NOW:

Your music is in China typically in about 4 weeks assuming all the information you gave given is correct and there are no edits needed. 

Royalties are calculated 4 times a year (every 3 months) with a 6 month sorting period, so your first report comes 6-9 months after your music is published. You keep 85% Royalties.

All music will be sent to all music services, but if there is no usage or streams then it will not be shown on the statistics report.


It typically can take only 24 hours for your music to be live in the biggest streaming services and can take up to 10 days. If there are edits needed in the qualtiy check it may take longer. Reports come 4 times a year.

The Distribution Platform

Here is the distribution platform and how to create a release:

Technical requirements, metadata, copyright information needed to upload your music.                           

For the best user experience, you must use the distribution platform on your laptop or computer and NOT on your mobile device (phones/tablets). We also recommend using the Chrome browser for the distribution platform. The distribution platform does not support emojis.


Phone Contact

Please call +358 50 472 8512 on WhatsApp. 

Support and Links

If you have any other questions please feel free to get in contact with us at:

Phone +358 50 472 8512  and on WhatsApp. 

Please subscribe to our Youtube Channel:

If you have a youtube channel please send us a message and we will follow you! 

For more information about us, the Chinese music market, and current trends please browse our blog page:

For more information about the upload process, file and image specifications please look at the FAQ page.

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